Going to a bar with your colleagues and boss can be a great way of socializing with them and breaking the ice with some people you work with on a daily basis. But whenever you’re doing this, there’s an untold code of conduct that must be followed, because after all, you’re with your boss and colleagues, and there’s a living of being easy with them.
So, there are certain things you should never do when going to a bar with your colleagues and boss after work. You can visit https://la-business-trade-group.yolasite.com/ for more information.
Never Do Shots
The whole idea of going to a bar with after work is to loosen up a but, but don’t go too much overboard with the drinks, as this can cause you to make fun of yourself in front of others. So, know your limits when drinking under such conditions so you don’t loose your senses. Also, you don’t want a handover if you have to go to work the next morning.
Do Not Drink With Empty Stomach
Another good rule you should follow is to avoid drinking on an empty stomach. The last thing you want to happen is drinking without eating anything on an empty stomach.
Eating a high protein meal will help slow down the transfer of alcohol to your bloodstream. You should also keep drinking water between drinks to keep yourself safe from hangover.
Never Get Personal
You should always avoid talking on topics like religion and politics where everyone might have their own different opinion. Talking on these topics can lead to heated debates. Also, avoid sharing any details of your personal life with your boss, colleagues or corporate clients when you’re drunk.
So, the key here is to keep yourself under control to avoid running into any issues.
Categories: Law